Clases particulares Guitar classes en Valencia

LJ Language Solutions. Learn Develop Communicate.

LJ Language Solutions. Learn Develop Communicate.

LJ Language Solutions offers a variety of teaching for everything from conversation classes, academic studies, business, aviation English and services such as translation and proofreading. Contact us directly and take a look at our website and Facebook, and we can discuss your specific language needs.

Precio A convenir

Clases particulares en Badajoz

Classes de conversations pratiques.

Classes de conversations pratiques.

Clases particularesProf de français pour tous les niveaux A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 et C2. Expérience professionnelle de plus de treize ans d'enseignement des cours privés ou en groupe avec étudiants sur les 5 continents. J'aime adapter mes cours aux besoins de chaque apprenant. Ambiance sympathique et réussite garanties. Serge: Classes de conversations pratiques.

12 €

Precio: 12€

Guitar classes en Madrid

English teacher classes online/profesor de inglés

English teacher classes online/profesor de inglés

Are you looking for a native online English teacher who can also explain things to you in Spanish if necessary? If so, you've come to the right place! Hello, my name is Sonny Davies and I am a native teacher from Cardiff, United Kingdom. I offer private online English classes for all levels and abilities in a very professional and relaxed manner. These days, I focus on conversational English. At the end of each class, you will improve your general English ability in a relaxed and natural way; without it feeling like a boring classroom lesson. In addition to this, I speak Spanish, so I can identify with anyone who

17 €

Precio: 17€

Clases particulares Guitar classes en Baleares

Professora de català ofereix classes particulars o en grups reduïts

Professora de català ofereix classes particulars o en grups reduïts

Som professora de català i puc impartir classes de primària, ESO o batxillerat. També puc ajudar amb altres matèries (castellà, anglès o història). Segons on sigui el domicili i segons l'horari, podrem quedar per venir a casa o per desplaçar-me jo.

20 €

Precio: 20€

Clases particulares Guitar classes en A Coruña

Profesor de español para extranjeros

Profesor de español para extranjeros

Do you really want to learn Spanish and enjoy it? I use different methods and you will see Spanish is quite easy with my dynamic lessons. Qualified native teacher. Degree in Spanish Philology and Máster in Spanish as a foreign language. Language teaching experience. My lessons are individually designed for each student’s needs. Classes at my home (Zona Obelisco y Calle Real, A Coruña) Writing, Listening and Speaking (first lesson for free) Call me and try! ¿De verdad quieres aprender español y divertirte mientras aprendes? Uso diferentes métodos y aprenderás español con mis lecciones dinámicas. Soy profesora cualificada (Licenciad

18 €

Precio: 18€

Clases particulares en Vizcaya

Clases de speaking con un nativo!!

Clases de speaking con un nativo!!

Hello! My name is Ben. I'm actually living in Bilbao and I would like to help you with your speaking. I'm from England and I offer speaking classes for low prices. Come and have a chat with me while you learn to speak as a native. Hola! Mi nombre es Ben. Acabo de mudarme a Bilbao y me gustaría ayudarte con tu Inglés. Ofrezco clases de conversación a precios económicos. Ven a charlar conmigo mientras aprender y /o mejoras tu conversación en Inglés. No dudes en ponerte em contacto conmigo para cualquier duda. Espero verte pronto! Agur!

Precio A convenir

Guitar classes en Barcelona

Clases Mates Universidad (Cálculo, Matemáticas Financieras, etc.)

Clases Mates Universidad (Cálculo, Matemáticas Financieras, etc.)

Professor graduat en matemàtiques ofereix classes i suport amb assignatures de matemàtiques de qualsevol carrera (matemàtiques, ciències, ciències socials, etc.). Les classes poden ser en Català, Castellà o Anglès. Del grau de matemàtiques només faig assignatures de primer any. Tinc diversos anys d'experiència ajudant als estudiants universitaris a entendre els conceptes i a superar l'assignatura amb èxit. El preu és de 25€/hora. També faig classes a grups reduïts, el preu a convenir. Faig les classes online o a domicili (només a Sant Cugat). Si tens qualsevol pregunta no dubtis en trucar-me o enviar-me un correu a través de la web.

25 €

Precio: 25€

Clases particulares Guitar classes en Barcelona

English classes

English classes

Professora amb anys d'experiència ofereix classes de refors per a nens o classes particulars de gramatica i conversa per a adults. Descompte si fas mes d'una hora per setmana.

20 €

Precio: 20€

Clases particulares Guitar classes en Barcelona

Classes anglès

Classes anglès

Professora amb anys d'experiència dona classes d'anglès a nens o adults. Gramática, reforç i conversa. Descomptes per més d'una hora setmanal.

20 €

Precio: 20€

Clases particulares en Madrid

Rapid learning with Native English Speaker

Rapid learning with Native English Speaker

Hola! I'm Kayleigh :) I am a native English teacher with experience in teaching children and adults, so can help with English for any age and level. My classes are relaxed and conversational, yet structured, with a strong focus on vocabulary, grammar and speaking. The system I use is designed to advance students five times faster. Contact me on email or WhatsApp if you would like more information or have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you! BENEFITS OF MY ONLINE CLASSES: 1. FULL FLEXIBILLITY & CONVENIENCE - You choose when and where! - Cancel any time without losing class fee 2. RAPID LEARNING (ach

9 €

Precio: 9€

Guitar classes en Madrid

English classes

English classes

Profesora bilingüe, +20años experiencia dando clases particulares de inglés en Madrid : adultos y niños. Método a convenir según necesidades, flexibilidad horaria, información sin compromiso. Precio negociable.

Precio A convenir

Clases particulares Guitar classes en Barcelona

English,French,German & Spanish Classes

English,French,German & Spanish Classes

Hello I am Samantha I am an English teacher and partner at Oxinity We are a language learning platform that offers classes in English, Spanish, German and French . We offer classes for young children, teens , adults and business English for Companies. You can choose between individual classes or group classes at 30min, 45min or 60mins. We offer a free trial lesson with no obligation 😎. I have attached my link with a 10% discount on any classes you choose..😮 I hope to see you soon.🥰🎓

9 €

Precio: 9€

Clases particulares Guitar classes en Barcelona

Learn English with Native Speaker

Learn English with Native Speaker

Hola! I'm Kayleigh :) I am a native English teacher from South Africa. I have experience in teaching children and adults, so can help with English for any age and level. My classes are relaxed and conversational, yet structured, with a strong focus on vocabulary, grammar, and speaking. The system I use is designed to advance students five times faster. Contact me by email or on WhatsApp if you would like more information or have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you and would be delighted to help achieve your English goals! BENEFITS OF ONLINE CLASSES: 1. FULL FLEXIBILITY & CONVENIENCE - You choose when an

9 €

Precio: 9€

Clases particulares en Barcelona

English native South African teacher

English native South African teacher

Hello I am Samantha, I am a native South African English teacher. I am passionate about teaching English to young children, teens and adults. I also provide English classes to companies. I have over six years experience in teaching English to young children, teens and adults. I offer a free trial lesson with no obligations. Its never too late to learn a new language lets make 2022 your year. I hope to see you soon

9 €

Precio: 9€

Guitar classes en Madrid

Clases de guitarra,improvisación,armonía en madrid

Clases de guitarra,improvisación,armonía en madrid

Varios estilos, todos los niveles. Jazz, fusión, blues, bossa nova. Escalas, arpegios, frases, solos, comping, repertorio, acordes y más. . . También clases on line(Skype) Escucha mi disco Jairanía en Spotify.Sacri Delfino, Profesor en Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio(Facultad de Música), Profesor en 21st Century Music(curso profesional) y responsable del área de jazz e improvisación;columnista didáctico en Cutaway Guitar Magazine

Precio A convenir

Clases particulares Guitar classes en Barcelona

Talk like Americans

Talk like Americans

Trilingual teacher with 10 years of experience offers private and personalized English tutoring; all levels, Classes online via skype. All levels Grammar, speaking, listening, and writing Conversation Lessons, Slang, Talk like Americans. Business and Technical IELTS

25 €

Precio: 25€

Clases particulares Guitar classes en Barcelona

Reaching Your English Goals

Reaching Your English Goals

Hello I am Samantha I am a native English teacher from South Africa. I have 6.5 years experience teaching English to young students. Teaching is really my passion and we are so excited to help you reach your English learning goals in a fun and exciting class. At Oxinity we present you our integrated and unique offer in the market of virtual extracurricular classes of English and mathematics in a 30-minute class format with a maximum of 3 children per class and native teachers. English and mathematics are two fundamental languages for the education of our children and have their foundations in the comprehension and verbal formulation of

Precio A convenir

Clases particulares en Barcelona

English ESL Teacher

English ESL Teacher

Hello I am Samantha I am a native English teacher from South Africa. I have 6.5 years experience teaching English to young students. Teaching is really my passion and we are so excited to help you reach your English learning goals in a fun and exciting class. We have created Oxinity to revolutionize English learning for children. We offer English classes that are adapted to the child's level and schedule, so that they can fit in with other extracurricular activities. The results are spectacular! Price 8,33 euros/hour! We always let you try a class for free.

9 €

Precio: 9€

Guitar classes en Madrid

Profesor de ingles

Profesor de ingles

My name is Matthew Lawson. I'm a native English teacher; born and raised in Manchester and currently working from London. I am Cambridge CELTA-qualified and have five years' teaching experience in the classroom and online. I have taught in the UK, Spain (TECS academy, Andalucia) and Poland. I offer the full range of classes – grammar, vocabulary, exam preparation, English aimed at specific fields of work or study (engineering, science, design, etc.) and, of course, conversation classes! I love my language and If you are interested in improving your level of English, having fun in your lessons and experiencing a new way of learning my la

25 €

Precio: 25€

Clases particulares Guitar classes en Girona

Aprende o mejora tu inglés

Aprende o mejora tu inglés

Hola! Me sobran unas horas en el día y he decidido dedicarlas a ayudar a personas con inquietudes o intereses en el idioma inglés. He vivido en total unos 9 años en países de habla inglesa y me dedico profesionalmente a entornos internacionales de negocios. Por otro lado, tengo amplios conocimientos en psicopedagogía y Diplomatura en Magisterio, que cursé aparte de otros estudios técnicos. Ens podem comunicar en català o castellà, és clar, encara que les classes seran únicament en anglès a mesura que es pugui, i tenint en compte que l'objectiu primer és aprendre. Primera reunió i prova de nivell gratis.

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